path: root/sys/libbio
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-09-08checkinNicholas Noll
2021-04-26fix(bio): buffer copying errorNicholas Noll
2021-04-22chore(refactor): explicit definition of useful interfacesNicholas Noll
2021-04-22feat(libbio): fasta and newick parsing/outputNicholas Noll
2021-04-22chore: rm unfinished projectsNicholas Noll
2020-06-02feat: started port of st to waylandNicholas Noll
2020-05-31minor changesNicholas Noll
2020-05-17prototype of front end cliNicholas Noll
2020-05-17made explicit casts to remove warning spamNicholas Noll
2020-05-16fix: linking errors associated to linking bins against all dependencies. part...Nicholas Noll
2020-05-15feat: added buffered io to libnNicholas Noll
2020-05-15feat: testing directory to allow for easier tests of codeNicholas Noll
2020-05-15factored out the common code of makefilesNicholas Noll
2020-05-13blas 1 generation code completeNicholas Noll
2020-05-06bumpNicholas Noll
2020-05-03removed the day's confusion. added debug and release mode to makefileNicholas Noll
2020-05-03removed buggy qsort header and implemented myselfNicholas Noll
2020-04-30chore: move from new to make prefix of constructorsNicholas Noll
2020-04-28struct: preparing for prototype of math libraryNicholas Noll
2020-04-28feat: prototype of rerooting functionNicholas Noll
2020-04-28fix: finished remove child functionNicholas Noll
2020-04-28fix: moved nnodes into a property of nodeNicholas Noll
2020-04-28fix: ladderize now sorts by number of nodes contained belowNicholas Noll
2020-04-28struct: tree node children now purely linked list instead of bespoke hybridNicholas Noll
2020-04-28feat: prototype of remove child functionNicholas Noll
2020-04-28fix: allow for quoted identifiers to contain any characterNicholas Noll
2020-04-28fix: allow for identifiers that start with numbersNicholas Noll
2020-04-28feat: added number of nodes & leafs to tree data structureNicholas Noll
2020-04-26fix: now properly sort arrays with inline functionsNicholas Noll
2020-04-26feat: begun work on edit distance aware local sensitive hashing algorithmNicholas Noll
2020-04-26chore: moved string into main libn headerNicholas Noll
2020-04-25feat: parsing multiline fastq filesNicholas Noll
2020-04-25chore: pulled out sequence header function to be used by fastqNicholas Noll
2020-04-25chore: prepare for refactoring to allow for fastqNicholas Noll
2020-04-25feat: updated fasta code to allow for iterationNicholas Noll
2020-04-23feat: started prototype of zlib wrapperNicholas Noll
2020-04-23feat: made calling signature of interface accepting functions more reliableNicholas Noll
2020-04-22fix: double free problemNicholas Noll
2020-04-22feat: interfaces of newick io more general. can now take arbitrary readers/wr...Nicholas Noll
2020-04-22feat: added generic interfaces for I/ONicholas Noll
2020-04-22fix: moved byte buffer to static storage so you don't read off stale stackNicholas Noll
2020-04-22fix: bug squashing with newick parserNicholas Noll
2020-04-21feat: added skeleton of biological libraryNicholas Noll