#define VERSION "1.0" /* valid curses attributes are listed below they can be ORed * * A_NORMAL Normal display (no highlight) * A_STANDOUT Best highlighting mode of the terminal. * A_UNDERLINE Underlining * A_REVERSE Reverse video * A_BLINK Blinking * A_DIM Half bright * A_BOLD Extra bright or bold * A_PROTECT Protected mode * A_INVIS Invisible or blank mode */ enum { DEFAULT, BLUE, GREEN, }; static Color colors[] = { [DEFAULT] = { .fg = -1, .bg = -1, .fg256 = -1, .bg256 = -1, }, [BLUE] = { .fg = COLOR_BLUE, .bg = -1, .fg256 = 68, .bg256 = -1, }, [GREEN] = { .fg = COLOR_GREEN, .bg = -1, .fg256 = 65, .bg256 = -1, }, }; #define COLOR(c) COLOR_PAIR(colors[c].pair) /* curses attributes for the currently focused window */ #define SELECTED_ATTR (COLOR(GREEN) | A_NORMAL) /* curses attributes for normal (not selected) windows */ #define NORMAL_ATTR (COLOR(DEFAULT) | A_NORMAL) /* curses attributes for a window with pending urgent flag */ #define URGENT_ATTR NORMAL_ATTR /* curses attributes for the status bar */ #define BAR_ATTR (COLOR(GREEN) | A_NORMAL) /* characters for beginning and end of status bar message */ #define BAR_BEGIN '[' #define BAR_END ']' /* status bar (command line option -s) position */ #define BAR_POS BAR_TOP /* BAR_BOTTOM, BAR_OFF */ /* whether status bar should be hidden if only one client exists */ #define BAR_AUTOHIDE false /* master width factor [0.1 .. 0.9] */ #define MFACT 0.5 /* number of clients in master area */ #define NMASTER 1 /* scroll back buffer size in lines */ #define SCROLL_HISTORY 500 /* printf format string for the tag in the status bar */ #define TAG_SYMBOL "[%s]" /* curses attributes for the currently selected tags */ #define TAG_SEL (COLOR(GREEN) | A_BOLD) /* curses attributes for not selected tags which contain no windows */ #define TAG_NORMAL (COLOR(DEFAULT) | A_NORMAL) /* curses attributes for not selected tags which contain windows */ #define TAG_OCCUPIED (COLOR(GREEN) | A_NORMAL) /* curses attributes for not selected tags which with urgent windows */ #define TAG_URGENT (COLOR(GREEN) | A_NORMAL | A_BLINK) static const char tags[][8] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }; /* by default the first layout entry is used */ static Layout layouts[] = { { "[]=", tile }, { "+++", grid }, { "TTT", bstack }, { "[ ]", fullscreen }, }; #define MOD ('`') #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \ { { MOD, 'v', KEY, }, { view, { tags[TAG] } } }, \ { { MOD, 't', KEY, }, { tag, { tags[TAG] } } }, \ { { MOD, 'V', KEY, }, { toggleview, { tags[TAG] } } }, \ { { MOD, 'T', KEY, }, { toggletag, { tags[TAG] } } }, /* you can specifiy at most 3 arguments */ static KeyBinding bindings[] = { { { MOD, 'c', }, { create, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'C', }, { create, { NULL, NULL, "$CWD" } } }, { { MOD, 'x', 'x', }, { killclient, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'j', }, { focusnext, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'J', }, { focusdown, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'K', }, { focusup, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'H', }, { focusleft, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'L', }, { focusright, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'k', }, { focusprev, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'f', }, { setlayout, { "[]=" } } }, { { MOD, 'g', }, { setlayout, { "+++" } } }, { { MOD, 'b', }, { setlayout, { "TTT" } } }, { { MOD, 'm', }, { setlayout, { "[ ]" } } }, { { MOD, ' ', }, { setlayout, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'i', }, { incnmaster, { "+1" } } }, { { MOD, 'd', }, { incnmaster, { "-1" } } }, { { MOD, 'h', }, { setmfact, { "-0.05" } } }, { { MOD, 'l', }, { setmfact, { "+0.05" } } }, { { MOD, '.', }, { toggleminimize, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 's', }, { togglebar, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'S', }, { togglebarpos, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'M', }, { togglemouse, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, '\n', }, { zoom , { NULL } } }, { { MOD, '\r', }, { zoom , { NULL } } }, { { MOD, '1', }, { focusn, { "1" } } }, { { MOD, '2', }, { focusn, { "2" } } }, { { MOD, '3', }, { focusn, { "3" } } }, { { MOD, '4', }, { focusn, { "4" } } }, { { MOD, '5', }, { focusn, { "5" } } }, { { MOD, '6', }, { focusn, { "6" } } }, { { MOD, '7', }, { focusn, { "7" } } }, { { MOD, '8', }, { focusn, { "8" } } }, { { MOD, '9', }, { focusn, { "9" } } }, { { MOD, '\t', }, { focuslast, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'q', 'q', }, { quit, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'a', }, { togglerunall, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, CTRL('L'), }, { redraw, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'r', }, { redraw, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'e', }, { copymode, { "dvtm-editor" } } }, { { MOD, 'E', }, { copymode, { "dvtm-pager" } } }, { { MOD, '/', }, { copymode, { "dvtm-pager", "/" } } }, { { MOD, 'p', }, { paste, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, KEY_PPAGE, }, { scrollback, { "-1" } } }, { { MOD, KEY_NPAGE, }, { scrollback, { "1" } } }, { { MOD, '?', }, { create, { "man dvtm", "dvtm help" } } }, { { MOD, MOD, }, { send, { (const char []){MOD, 0} } } }, { { KEY_SPREVIOUS, }, { scrollback, { "-1" } } }, { { KEY_SNEXT, }, { scrollback, { "1" } } }, { { MOD, '0', }, { view, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, KEY_F(1), }, { view, { tags[0] } } }, { { MOD, KEY_F(2), }, { view, { tags[1] } } }, { { MOD, KEY_F(3), }, { view, { tags[2] } } }, { { MOD, KEY_F(4), }, { view, { tags[3] } } }, { { MOD, KEY_F(5), }, { view, { tags[4] } } }, { { MOD, 'v', '0' }, { view, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 'v', '\t', }, { viewprevtag, { NULL } } }, { { MOD, 't', '0' }, { tag, { NULL } } }, TAGKEYS( '1', 0) TAGKEYS( '2', 1) TAGKEYS( '3', 2) TAGKEYS( '4', 3) TAGKEYS( '5', 4) }; static const ColorRule colorrules[] = { { "", A_NORMAL, &colors[DEFAULT] }, /* default */ }; /* possible values for the mouse buttons are listed below: * * BUTTON1_PRESSED mouse button 1 down * BUTTON1_RELEASED mouse button 1 up * BUTTON1_CLICKED mouse button 1 clicked * BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 1 double clicked * BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 1 triple clicked * BUTTON2_PRESSED mouse button 2 down * BUTTON2_RELEASED mouse button 2 up * BUTTON2_CLICKED mouse button 2 clicked * BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 2 double clicked * BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 2 triple clicked * BUTTON3_PRESSED mouse button 3 down * BUTTON3_RELEASED mouse button 3 up * BUTTON3_CLICKED mouse button 3 clicked * BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 3 double clicked * BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 3 triple clicked * BUTTON4_PRESSED mouse button 4 down * BUTTON4_RELEASED mouse button 4 up * BUTTON4_CLICKED mouse button 4 clicked * BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED mouse button 4 double clicked * BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED mouse button 4 triple clicked * BUTTON_SHIFT shift was down during button state change * BUTTON_CTRL control was down during button state change * BUTTON_ALT alt was down during button state change * ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS report all button state changes * REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION report mouse movement */ #ifdef NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION # define CONFIG_MOUSE /* compile in mouse support if we build against ncurses */ #endif #define ENABLE_MOUSE true /* whether to enable mouse events by default */ #ifdef CONFIG_MOUSE static Button buttons[] = { { BUTTON1_CLICKED, { mouse_focus, { NULL } } }, { BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED, { mouse_fullscreen, { "[ ]" } } }, { BUTTON2_CLICKED, { mouse_zoom, { NULL } } }, { BUTTON3_CLICKED, { mouse_minimize, { NULL } } }, }; #endif /* CONFIG_MOUSE */ static Cmd commands[] = { /* create [cmd]: create a new window, run `cmd` in the shell if specified */ { "create", { create, { NULL } } }, /* focus : focus the window whose `DVTM_WINDOW_ID` is `win_id` */ { "focus", { focusid, { NULL } } }, /* tag [tag ...]: add +tag, remove -tag or set tag of the window with the given identifier */ { "tag", { tagid, { NULL } } }, }; /* gets executed when dvtm is started */ static Action actions[] = { { create, { NULL } }, }; static char const * const keytable[] = { /* add your custom key escape sequences */ };