/* global appearance */ static const int sloppyfocus = 1; /* focus follows mouse */ static const uint borderwidth = 1; /* width window borders (pixel) */ static const uint gapwidth = 4; /* width of gaps(pixel) */ static const float rootcolor[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0}; static const float bordercolor[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0}; /* tagging */ static const byte *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }; static const Rule apprules[] = { /* app_id title tags mask isfloating monitor */ }; static const Layout layouts[] = { /* symbol arrange function */ { "[]=", tile }, { "><>", nil }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */ }; /* monitors */ static const MonitorRule monitorrules[] = { /* name mfact nmaster scale layout rotate/reflect */ /* example of a HiDPI laptop monitor: { "eDP-1", 0.5, 1, 2, &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL }, */ { nil, 0.55, 1, 1, &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL }, }; /* keyboard */ static const struct xkb_rule_names xkb_rules = { /* can specify fields: rules, model, layout, variant, options */ /* example: .options = "ctrl:nocaps", */ }; #define MODKEY WLR_MODIFIER_LOGO #define TAGKEYS(KEY,SKEY,TAG) \ { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \ { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \ { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, SKEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \ { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT,SKEY,toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} } /* commands */ static const byte *termcmd[] = { "alacritty", 0 }; static const byte *menucmd[] = { "waybar", 0 }; /* keymaps */ static const Key keys[] = { /* modifier key function argument */ { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_p, spawn, {.v = menucmd} }, { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_j, focusstack, {.i = +1} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_k, focusstack, {.i = -1} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_i, incmaster, {.i = +1} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_d, incmaster, {.i = -1} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_Tab, view, {0} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} }, { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_space, togglefloating, {0} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_0, view, {.ui = ~0} }, { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_parenright, tag, {.ui = ~0} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_comma, focusmonitor, {.i = -1} }, { MODKEY, XKB_KEY_period, focusmonitor, {.i = +1} }, { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_less, tagmonitor, {.i = -1} }, { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_greater, tagmonitor, {.i = +1} }, TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_1, XKB_KEY_exclam, 0), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_2, XKB_KEY_at, 1), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_3, XKB_KEY_numbersign, 2), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_4, XKB_KEY_dollar, 3), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_5, XKB_KEY_percent, 4), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_6, XKB_KEY_caret, 5), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_7, XKB_KEY_ampersand, 6), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_8, XKB_KEY_asterisk, 7), TAGKEYS( XKB_KEY_9, XKB_KEY_parenleft, 8), { MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, XKB_KEY_Q, quit, {0} }, { WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL|WLR_MODIFIER_ALT,XKB_KEY_Terminate_Server, quit, {0} }, #define CHVT(n) { WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL|WLR_MODIFIER_ALT,XKB_KEY_XF86Switch_VT_##n, chvt, {.ui = (n)} } CHVT(1), CHVT(2), CHVT(3), CHVT(4), CHVT(5), CHVT(6), CHVT(7), CHVT(8), CHVT(9), CHVT(10), CHVT(11), CHVT(12), }; static const Button buttons[] = { { MODKEY, BTN_LEFT, moveresize, {.ui = MouseMove} }, { MODKEY, BTN_MIDDLE, togglefloating, {0} }, { MODKEY, BTN_RIGHT, moveresize, {.ui = MouseResize} }, };