#include "rc.h" #include "exec.h" #include int yyparse(void); struct Builtin{ char *name; void (*func)(void); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // globals static Word nullpath = { .str="", .link=nil }; struct Builtin builtin[]={ {".", xdot}, {"fg", xfg}, {"jobs", xjob}, 0, }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // internal /* words and lists */ static void pushword(char *str) { if(!runner->args) fatal("attempt to push on empty argument stack\n"); runner->args->word = makeword(str, runner->args->word); } static void popword(void) { Word *w; if(!runner->args) fatal("tried to pop word on empty argument stack\n"); w = runner->args->word; if(!w) fatal("tried to pop word but nothing there\n"); runner->args->word = w->link; efree(w->str); efree(w); } static Word* copywords(Word *a, Word *tail) { Word *v = nil, **end; for(end=&v; a; a = a->link,end=&(*end)->link) *end = makeword(a->str, nil); *end = tail; return v; } static void freewords(Word *w) { Word *n; while(w){ efree(w->str); n = w->link; efree(w); w = n; } } static void freelist(Word *w) { Word *n; while(w){ n = w->link; efree(w->str); efree(w); w = n; } } static void pushlist(void) { List *stack = emalloc(sizeof(*stack)); stack->word = nil; stack->link = runner->args; runner->args = stack; } static void poplist(void) { List *stack = runner->args; if(!stack) fatal("attempted to pop an empty argument stack\n"); freelist(stack->word); runner->args = stack->link; efree(stack); } /* system interop */ static Word* path(char *w) { Word *path; if(strncmp(w, "/", 1)==0 || strncmp(w, "./", 2)==0 || strncmp(w, "../", 3)==0 || (path = var("path")->val)==0) path=&nullpath; return path; } static inline void defaultsignal(void) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); } static inline void setpid(int pid) { runner->pid = pid; if(runner->pgid <= 0){ runner->pgid = runner->pid; addjob(runner); } setpgid(pid, runner->pgid); } static void xx(void) { popword(); // "exec" if(!runner->args->word){ Xerror("empty argument list"); return; } execute(runner->args->word, path(runner->args->word->str)); poplist(); } static int xforkx(void) { int n, pid; char buf[ERRMAX]; switch(pid=fork()){ case -1: return -1; case 0: // child clearwait(runner); runner->link = nil; if(shell.interactive){ setpid(getpid()); tcsetpgrp(0, runner->pgid); defaultsignal(); } pushword("exec"); xx(); exit(2); // NOTE: xx does not return! /*unreachable*/ default: // parent addwait(runner, pid); setpid(pid); // ensure the state matches for parent and child return pid; } } /* redirections */ void pushredir(int type, int from, int to) { Redir *r = emalloc(sizeof(*r)); r->type = type; r->from = from; r->to = to; r->link = runner->redir; runner->redir = r; } /* byte code */ static void run(Code *c, int pc, Var *local, int keeppid) { Thread *new = emalloc(sizeof(*new)); new->code.i = pc; new->code.exe = copycode(c); new->cmd.path = nil; new->cmd.io = nil; new->args = nil; new->local = local; new->redir = nil; new->flag.i = 0; new->flag.eof = 0; new->wait.status = 0; new->wait.len = 0; new->wait.cap = 0; new->wait.on = nil; new->status = 0; if(keeppid) new->pgid = runner->pgid, new->pid = runner->pid; else new->pgid = new->pid = -1; new->line = 0; new->link = runner; new->next = nil; runner = new; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // exported builtins // XXX: find a better place for these Word* makeword(char *str, Word *link) { Word *w = emalloc(sizeof(*w)); w->str = strdup(str); w->link = link; return w; } void freeword(Word *word) { Word *n; while(word){ efree(word->str); n = word->link; efree(word); word = n; } } int count(Word *w) { int n; for(n = 0; w; n++) w = w->link; return n; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // builtins static Code dotcmd[14] = { [0] = {.i = 0}, [1] = {.f = Xmark}, [2] = {.f = Xword}, [3] = {.s = "0"}, [4] = {.f = Xlocal}, [5] = {.f = Xmark}, [6] = {.f = Xword}, [7] = {.s = "*"}, [8] = {.f = Xlocal}, [9] = {.f = Xreadcmd}, [10] = {.f = Xunlocal}, [11] = {.f = Xunlocal}, [12] = {.f = Xreturn}, }; void xdot(void) { Word *p; List *argv; char *base; int fd, iflag = 0; Thread *old; char file[512]; popword(); #if 0 if(proc->args->word && strcmp(proc->args->word->str, "-i")==0){ iflag = 1; popword(); } #endif /* get input file */ if(!runner->args->word){ Xerror("usage: . [-i] file [arg ...]\n"); return; } base = strdup(runner->args->word->str); popword(); for(fd=-1, p=path(base); p; p = p->link){ strcpy(file, p->str); if(file[0]) strcat(file, "/"); strcat(file, base); if((fd = open(file, 0))>=0) break; } if(fd<0){ print(shell.err, "%s: ", base); //setstatus("can't open"); Xerror(".: can't open\n"); return; } /* set up for a new command loop */ old = runner; // store pointer to old code run(dotcmd, 1, nil, 0); /* operations on new command stack */ pushredir(Rclose, fd, 0); runner->cmd.path = base; runner->cmd.io = openfd(fd); /* push $* value */ pushlist(); runner->args->word = old->args->word; /* free caller's copy of $* */ argv = old->args; old->args = argv->link; efree(argv); /* push $0 value */ pushlist(); pushword(base); //ndot++; } void xjob(void) { int i; Thread *job; for(i=0, job = shell.jobs; job; job = job->next, i++) report(job,i); poplist(); } void xfg(void) { int i; Thread *job, *old; popword(); // fg /* get input job id */ if(!runner->args->word){ print(shell.err, "usage: fg [pid|\%num]\n"); poplist(); return; } i = atoi(runner->args->word->str); popword(); // [jobid] for(job=shell.jobs; i > 0; job=job->next, --i) ; poplist(); // this goes here? wakeup(job); job->link = runner, runner = job; // XXX: can this leave zombies? foreground(job, 1); } void xboot(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; Code bootstrap[32]; char num[12]; i = 0; bootstrap[i++].i = 1; bootstrap[i++].f = Xmark; bootstrap[i++].f = Xword; bootstrap[i++].s="*"; bootstrap[i++].f = Xassign; bootstrap[i++].f = Xmark; bootstrap[i++].f = Xmark; bootstrap[i++].f = Xword; bootstrap[i++].s="*"; bootstrap[i++].f = Xdollar; bootstrap[i++].f = Xword; bootstrap[i++].s = "/dev/stdin"; bootstrap[i++].f = Xword; bootstrap[i++].s="."; bootstrap[i++].f = Xbasic; bootstrap[i++].f = Xexit; bootstrap[i].i = 0; run(bootstrap, 1, nil, 0); pushlist(); // prime bootstrap argv argv0 = strdup(argv[0]); for(i = argc-1; i > 0; --i) pushword(argv[i]); /* main interpreter loop */ for(;;){ runner->code.i++; (*runner->code.exe[runner->code.i-1].f)(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // exported interpreter bytecode void Xmark(void) { pushlist(); } void Xerror(char *msg) { print(shell.err, "rc: %s", msg); flush(shell.err); while(!runner->flag.i) Xreturn(); } void Xreturn(void) { Thread *run = runner; switch(run->wait.status){ /* * If our job is still running we must: * 1. move program one step back to rerun Xreturn upon recall * 2. return to our calling thread * 3. don't free! */ case Prun: case Pstop: run->code.i--; runner = run->link; return; /* * If our job has finished: * 1. remove from our list * 2. continue to clean up its memory */ case Pdone: deljob(run); /* fallthrough */ default: ; } while(run->args) poplist(); freecode(run->code.exe); efree(run->wait.on); runner = run->link; efree(run); if(!runner) exit(0); } void Xword(void) { pushword(runner->code.exe[runner->code.i++].s); } void Xdollar(void) { int n; char *s, *t; Word *a, *star; if(count(runner->args->word)!=1){ Xerror("variable name not singleton!\n"); return; } s = runner->args->word->str; // deglob(s); n = 0; for(t = s;'0'<=*t && *t<='9';t++) n = n*10+*t-'0'; a = runner->args->link->word; if(n==0 || *t) a = copywords(var(s)->val, a); else{ star = var("*")->val; if(star && 1<=n && n<=count(star)){ while(--n) star = star->link; a = makeword(star->str, a); } } poplist(); runner->args->word = a; } void Xassign(void) { Var *v; if(count(runner->args->word)!=1){ Xerror("variable name not singleton!\n"); return; } //deglob(runq->argv->words->word); v = var(runner->args->word->str); poplist(); //globlist(); freewords(v->val); v->val = runner->args->word; v->new = 1; if(v->update) v->update(v); runner->args->word = nil; poplist(); } void Xreadcmd(void) { Thread *root; Word *prompt; flush(shell.err); root = runner; if(yyparse()){ // resource cleanup? if(runner->flag.eof) Xreturn(); else --root->code.i; }else{ --root->code.i; /* re-execute Xreadcmd after codebuf runs */ run(compiled, 1, root->local, 0); } killzombies(); freeparsetree(); } void Xlocal(void) { if(count(runner->args->word)!=1){ Xerror("variable name must be singleton\n"); return; } //deglob(shell->args->word->str); runner->local = makevar(strdup(runner->args->word->str), runner->local); runner->local->val = copywords(runner->args->link->word, nil); runner->local->new = 1; poplist(); poplist(); } void Xunlocal(void) { Var *v = runner->local, *hide; if(!v) fatal("Xunlocal: no locals!\n", 0); runner->local = v->link; hide = var(v->name); hide->new = 1; efree(v->name); freewords(v->val); efree(v); } void Xasync(void) { int pid; int null = open("/dev/null", 0); if(!null){ Xerror("can not open /dev/null\n"); return; } switch(pid=fork()){ case -1: close(null); Xerror("fork failed: try again"); break; case 0: // child clearwait(runner); pushredir(Ropen, null, 0); if(shell.interactive){ // NOTE: this needs to read off its caller's interactivity setpid(getpid()); defaultsignal(); } run(runner->code.exe, runner->code.i+1, runner->local, 1); runner->link = nil; break; default: // parent close(null); setpid(pid); addwait(runner, pid); runner->code.i = runner->code.exe[runner->code.i].i; /* jump to end of async command */ /* don't wait: continue running */ } } void Xbasic(void) { Var *v; Word *arg; int pid, status; struct Builtin *b; arg = runner->args->word; if(!arg){ Xerror("empty argument list\n"); return; } v = var(arg->str); if(v->func){ return; } // see if it matches a builtin for(b = builtin; b->name; b++){ if(strcmp(b->name, arg->str)==0){ b->func(); return; } } /* if we are here then it's an external command */ // run the external command if((pid = xforkx()) < 0) { Xerror("try again"); return; } if(!shell.interactive) waitall(runner); foreground(runner, 0); // waits for child poplist(); } void Xcount(void) { Word *arg; char *str, num[12]; if(count(runner->args->word) != 1){ Xerror("variable name not a singleton\n"); return; } str = runner->args->word->str; arg = var(str)->val; poplist(); itoa(num, count(arg)); pushword(num); } void Xflat(void) { int len; char *str; Word *arg, *a; if(count(runner->args->word)!=1){ Xerror("variable name is not a singleton\n"); return; } str = runner->args->word->str; arg = var(str)->val; poplist(); len = count(arg); if(!len){ pushword(""); return; } for(a=arg; a; a=a->link) len += strlen(a->str); str = emalloc(len); if(arg){ strcpy(str, arg->str); for(a = arg->link; a; a = a->link){ strcat(str," "); strcat(str,a->str); } }else str[0] = 0; pushword(str); efree(str); } void Xexit(void) { exit(runner->status); }