#include #include #include #include #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Vectors /* * NOTE: I'm not sure I like stashing the header in _all_ vectors * The only way to fix is to have a library based allocator... */ typedef struct math·Vec { struct { void *h; mem·Allocator heap; }; int len; double *d; } math·Vec; math·Vec math·makevec(int len, mem·Allocator heap, void *h) { math·Vec v; v.len = len; v.heap = heap; v.h = h; v.d = heap.alloc(h, 1, len*sizeof(double)); // memset(v.d, 0, len*sizeof(double)); return v; } error math·freevec(math·Vec *v) { if (v->h == nil && v->heap.alloc == nil && v->heap.free == nil) { errorf("attempting to free a vector that doesn't own its data"); return 1; } v->heap.free(v->h, v->d); v->d = nil; v->len = 0; return 0; } math·Vec math·copyvec(math·Vec v) { math·Vec cpy; cpy.heap = v.heap; cpy.h = v.h; cpy.len = v.len; cpy.d = cpy.heap.alloc(cpy.h, 1, v.len); memcpy(cpy.d, v.d, sizeof(double)*v.len); return cpy; } /* * Scale vector */ static void scale_kernel8_avx2(int n, double *x, double a) { __m128d a128; __m256d a256; register int i; a128 = _mm_load_sd(&a); a256 = _mm256_broadcastsd_pd(a128); for (i = 0; i < n; i += 8) { _mm256_storeu_pd(x+i+0, a256 * _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+0)); _mm256_storeu_pd(x+i+4, a256 * _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+4)); } } static void scale_kernel8(int n, double *x, double a) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i += 8) { x[i+0] *= a; x[i+1] *= a; x[i+2] *= a; x[i+3] *= a; x[i+4] *= a; x[i+5] *= a; x[i+6] *= a; x[i+7] *= a; } } void math·scalevec(math·Vec u, double a) { int n; n = u.len & ~7; scale_kernel8_avx2(n, u.d, a); for (; n < u.len; n++) { u.d[n] *= a; } } /* * Add scaled vector */ static void daxpy_kernel8_avx2(int n, double *x, double *y, double a) { __m128d a128; __m256d a256; register int i; a128 = _mm_load_sd(&a); a256 = _mm256_broadcastsd_pd(a128); for (i = 0; i < n; i += 8) { _mm256_storeu_pd(x+i+0, _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+0) + a256 * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+0)); _mm256_storeu_pd(x+i+4, _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+4) + a256 * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+4)); } } static void daxpy_kernel8(int n, double *x, double *y, double a) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i += 8) { x[i+0] += a*y[i+0]; x[i+1] += a*y[i+1]; x[i+2] += a*y[i+2]; x[i+3] += a*y[i+3]; x[i+4] += a*y[i+4]; x[i+5] += a*y[i+5]; x[i+6] += a*y[i+6]; x[i+7] += a*y[i+7]; } } /* performs u = u + a*v */ void math·addvec(math·Vec u, math·Vec v, double a) { int n; n = u.len & ~7; daxpy_kernel8_avx2(n, u.d, v.d, a); for (; n < u.len; n++) { u.d[n] += a*v.d[n]; } } /* * Dot product */ static double dot_kernel8_avx2(int len, double *x, double *y) { register int i; __m256d sum[4]; __m128d res; for (i = 0; i < arrlen(sum); i++) { sum[i] = _mm256_setzero_pd(); } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 16) { sum[0] += _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+0) * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+0); sum[1] += _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+4) * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+4); sum[2] += _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+8) * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+8); sum[3] += _mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+12) * _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+12); } sum[0] += sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3]; res = _mm_add_pd(_mm256_extractf128_pd(sum[0], 0), _mm256_extractf128_pd(sum[0], 1)); res = _mm_hadd_pd(res, res); return res[0]; } static double dot_kernel8_fma3(int len, double *x, double *y) { register int i; __m256d sum[4]; __m128d res; for (i = 0; i < arrlen(sum); i++) { sum[i] = _mm256_setzero_pd(); } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 16) { sum[0] = _mm256_fmadd_pd(_mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+0), _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+0), sum[0]); sum[1] = _mm256_fmadd_pd(_mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+4), _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+4), sum[1]); sum[2] = _mm256_fmadd_pd(_mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+8), _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+8), sum[2]); sum[3] = _mm256_fmadd_pd(_mm256_loadu_pd(x+i+12), _mm256_loadu_pd(y+i+12), sum[3]); } sum[0] += sum[1] + sum[2] + sum[3]; res = _mm_add_pd(_mm256_extractf128_pd(sum[0], 0), _mm256_extractf128_pd(sum[0], 1)); res = _mm_hadd_pd(res, res); return res[0]; } static double dot_kernel8(int len, double *x, double *y) { double res; register int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { res += x[i] * y[i] + x[i+1] * y[i+1] + x[i+2] * y[i+2] + x[i+3] * y[i+3] + x[i+4] * y[i+4] + x[i+5] * y[i+5] + x[i+6] * y[i+6] + x[i+7] * y[i+7]; } return res; } double math·dot(math·Vec u, math·Vec v) { int i, len; double res; len = u.len & ~15; // neat trick res = dot_kernel8_fma3(len, u.d, v.d); for (i = len; i < u.len; i++) { res += u.d[i] * v.d[i]; } return res; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Matrix typedef struct math·Mtx { struct { void *h; mem·Allocator heap; }; int dim[2]; double *d; } math·Mtx; math·Mtx math·makemtx(int n, int m, mem·Allocator heap, void *h) { math·Mtx a; a.dim[0] = n; a.dim[1] = m; a.heap = heap; a.h = h; a.d = heap.alloc(h, 1, n*m*sizeof(double)); // memset(a.d, 0, n*m*sizeof(double)); return a; } error math·freemtx(math·Vec *m) { if (m->h == nil && m->heap.alloc == nil && m->heap.free == nil) { errorf("attempting to free a matrix that doesn't own its data"); return 1; } m->heap.free(m->h, m->d); m->d = nil; m->len = 0; return 0; } /* * multiply matrix to vector */ /* * Notation: (number of rows) x (number of columns) _ unroll factor * N => variable we sum over */ static void mtxvec_kernel4xN_4(int ncol, double **a, double *x, double *y) { int c; double *row[4], res[4]; row[0] = a[0]; row[1] = a[1]; row[2] = a[2]; row[3] = a[3]; res[0] = 0.; res[1] = 0.; res[2] = 0.; res[3] = 0.; for (c = 0; c < ncol; c += 4) { res[0] += row[0][c+0]*x[c+0] + row[0][c+1]*x[c+1] + row[0][c+2]*x[c+2] + row[0][c+3]*x[c+3]; res[1] += row[1][c+0]*x[c+0] + row[1][c+1]*x[c+1] + row[1][c+2]*x[c+2] + row[1][c+3]*x[c+3]; res[2] += row[2][c+0]*x[c+0] + row[2][c+1]*x[c+1] + row[2][c+2]*x[c+2] + row[2][c+3]*x[c+3]; res[3] += row[3][c+0]*x[c+0] + row[3][c+1]*x[c+1] + row[3][c+2]*x[c+2] + row[3][c+3]*x[c+3]; } y[0] = res[0]; y[1] = res[1]; y[2] = res[2]; y[3] = res[3]; } static void mtxvec_kernel1xN_4(int ncol, double *row, double *x, double *y) { int c; double res; res = 0.; for (c = 0; c < ncol; c += 4) { res += row[c+0]*x[c+0] + row[c+1]*x[c+1] + row[c+2]*x[c+2] + row[c+3]*x[c+3]; } y[0] = res; } // y = a*mx + b*y error math·mtxvec(math·Mtx m, double a, math·Vec x, double b, math·Vec y) { int c, r, nrow, ncol; double *row[4], res[4]; nrow = m.dim[0] & ~3; ncol = m.dim[1] & ~3; for (r = 0; r < nrow; r += 4) { row[0] = m.d + (r * (m.dim[1]+0)); row[1] = m.d + (r * (m.dim[1]+1)); row[2] = m.d + (r * (m.dim[1]+2)); row[3] = m.d + (r * (m.dim[1]+3)); mtxvec_kernel4xN_4(ncol, row, x.d + r, res); for (c = ncol; c < m.dim[1]; c++) { res[0] += row[0][c]; res[1] += row[1][c]; res[2] += row[2][c]; res[3] += row[3][c]; } y.d[r+0] = res[0] + b*y.d[r+0]; y.d[r+1] = res[1] + b*y.d[r+1]; y.d[r+2] = res[2] + b*y.d[r+2]; y.d[r+3] = res[3] + b*y.d[r+3]; } for (; r < m.dim[0]; r++) { mtxvec_kernel1xN_4(m.dim[0], m.d + (r * m.dim[1]), x.d + r, res); y.d[r] = res[0] + b*y.d[r]; } return 0; } #define NITER 50 error main() { int i; clock_t t; double res; math·Mtx m; math·Vec x, y; openblas_set_num_threads(1); x = math·makevec(1000, mem·sys, nil); y = math·makevec(1000, mem·sys, nil); m = math·makemtx(1000, 1000, mem·sys, nil); for (i = 0; i < x.len; i++) { y.d[i] = i; } t = clock(); for (i = 0; i < NITER; i++) { cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, m.dim[0], m.dim[1], 1.5, m.d, m.dim[1], x.d, 1, 2.5, y.d, 1); } t = clock() - t; res = math·dot(y, y); printf("the result is %f\n", res); printf("time elapsed (blas): %fms\n", 1000.*t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); for (i = 0; i < x.len; i++) { y.d[i] = i; } t = clock(); for (i = 0; i < NITER; i++) { math·mtxvec(m, 1.5, x, 2.5, y); } t = clock() - t; res = math·dot(y, y); printf("the dot product is %f\n", res); printf("time elapsed (naive): %fms\n", 1000.*t/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0; }